1. What did Saul do to Jonathan when Jonathan asked his father, "What has he done?" (20:33)?

2. When David escaped to the cave of Adullam, who came to him (22:1-2)?

3. Why did Jonathan not eat on the second day of the month with his father, after his father attempted to kill him (20:34)?

4. After David left Jonathan, what was his next stop (21:1)?

5. How would Jonathan let David know if Saul was determined to hurt him (20:21-22)?

6. Who else did Saul want killed because they "sided with David" (22:17)?

7. Which one of Saul's servants was with Ahimelech when David was there (21:7)?

8. How did Jonathan feel towards David (20:17)?

9. How did David act in front of Achish the king of Gath (21:13)?

10. When the king's officials would NOT kill the priests, who did (22:18)?

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