1. How would they explain to the nations YAHWEH's plagues and sicknesses on the land (29:25)?
2. What did Moses write and teach to the children of Israel (31:22)?
3. What will YAHWEH do when the people return to Him (30:30)?
4. Who would take the Israelites into the promised land (31:7)?
5. What did YAHWEH "not" give to the children of Israel, as of that time (29:4)?
6. At what appointed time is the book of Deuteronomy to be read every seven years (31:10)?
7. What things "belong" to us (29:29)?
8. What will YAHWEH put on their enemies, those who persecuted them (30:7)?
9. Why were all the children of Israel standing before YAHWEH (29:12)?
10. What was set before His people (then, and actually, still there now) (30:19)?
How many legs on a typical dog? (e.g: 5)