1. Which of the following water animals can you eat (14:9)?
2. What were they to do with all the plunder (property) they gathered from a city (13:16)?
3. What were the Israelites told to be careful to observe (12:1)?
4. Which one of the following animals can you NOT eat (14:8)?
5. What are we NOT to "add to or take away from" (12:32)?
His [YAHWEH's] commands.
6. What doesn't the Levite have (12:12)?
7. Which one of the following birds CAN you eat (14:12-18)?
8. Who should we walk after (13:4)?
9. What can you do with a clean animal that dies of itself (14:21)?
10. Where were the Israelites specifically told NOT to eat their tithe (12:17)?
How many eyes does a typical person have (e.g: 4)?