1. What stood in Balaam's way as he was going along on his donkey (22:22)?
An angel [messenger] of YAHWEH.
2. What did Balaam remind Balak he said (23:26)?
3. In the end, what did Balaam and Balak do (24:25)?
4. What strange thing happened after Balaam struck his donkey with a stick (22:28)?
5. What did Balaam tell Balak did not matter to him (24:13)?
6. How many altars did Balaam tell Balak to build at one place (23:1)?
7. What or who was Moab afraid of (22:3)?
8. What did Balaam do instead of cursing Balak's enemies (i.e., Israel), after Balak offered up offerings (23:11)?
9. Balaam told Balak something about Balak's people--what (24:14)?
10. Why did Elohim tell Balaam not to curse the "people who came out of Egypt" (22:12)?
How many eyes does a typical person have (e.g: 4)?