1. What did YAHWEH tell Moses to do to the rock to bring forth water at Meribah (20:8)?
2. If someone touched a dead person, how many days would he remain unclean (19:11)?
3. Israel asked permission to pass through the land of the Amorites. What happened when permission was denied (21:23-25)?
4. What did Moses do to the rock to get water (20:11)?
5. After touching a dead person, the water for purification was to be sprinkled on the person on which days (19:12-13)?
6. What was Moses' punishment for disobeying YAHWEH (20:12)?
7. What did Moses make and set upon a "standard" [i.e., "pole"] for people bitten to look at to be healed (21:8)?
8. Where did Miriam die (20:1)?
9. What color heifer was to be used to make the water for purification (19:1, 9)?
10. Why did the people again speak against Moses and Elohim (21:5)?
How many eyes does a typical person have (e.g: 4)?