1. How many languages were spoken on the earth after the flood (11:1)?

2. How did the beasts of the earth act toward Noah and his sons (9:2)?

3. What did Yahweh do along with confusing their language (11:8-9)?

4. Who was a mighty hunter in Ham's family (10:8)?

5. How old was Noah when he died (9:29)?

6. What did Yahweh say to Noah and his sons after He blessed them (9:1)?

7. What were the people doing which caused reason for Yahweh to confuse their language (11:4-5)?

8. What is the sign of the covenant that Yahweh will never again destroy the earth by a flood (9:13)?

9. What was Abram's wife's name (11:29)?

10. What will Yahweh do when He sees the rainbow (9:15-16)?

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