1. How was a matter confirmed in those days (4:7-8)?
2. Boaz told Ruth her last kindness was better than the first--what did she do (3:10)?
3. What did Boaz give Ruth to take to her mother-in-law (3:17)?
4. Boaz and Ruth had a son, Obed, who became the father of Jesse. Who was borne to Jesse (4:17, 22)?
5. When Boaz initially explained that Naomi had to sell Elimelech's land and the closest relative had the first option to redeem (purchase), what was the closest relative's response (4:4)?
6. Why did Boaz tell Ruth to leave early (3:14)?
7. What did Boaz say that changed the closest relative's mind about redeeming the land (4:5)?
8. Why couldn't Boaz immediately redeem her (3:12)?
9. Naomi sought security for Ruth and told her to do something generally not done. What did she tell her to do (3:24)?
10. How many elders were present when Boaz spoke to the closest relative (4:2)?
How many eyes does a typical person have (e.g: 4)?