1. What was the mercy seat made of (37:6)?
2. What was Moses to cut and take to YAHWEH (34:1, 4)?
3. How many curtains were needed for the tabernacle (36:8)?
4. How many branches were on the lampstand (37:18)?
5. What were the Israelites told NOT to worship )34:14)?
6. Who made the ark for the tabernacles (37:1)?
7. What can be done for six days a week (36:1)?
8. Who brought the materials for the tabernacle and its contents (36:3)?
9. What does YAHWEH abound ["have lots of"] in (34:6)?
10. What did YAHWEH fill Bezalel with (35:30-31)?
How many legs on a typical dog? (e.g: 5)