1. Because of Sennacherib's rage against YAHWEH, what would YAHWEH do (37:29)?

2. What did the king of Assyria ask of Hezekiah (36:5)?

3. What did King Hezekiah do when he heard what the king of Assyria said (37:1)?

4. After Hezekiah read the letter from the messenger, what did he do (37:14-15)?

5. If they gave a pledge to the king of Assyria, what would be given in return (36:8)?

6. What will come out of Jerusalem (37:32)?

7. What did the people on the wall answer (36:21)?

8. What did YAHWEH say the servants of the king of Assyria did (37:6)?

9. Who was the king of Assyria (30:1)?

10. Why did YAHWEH speak concerning Sennacherib (37:21)?

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