1. What did Lucifer say in his heart (14:13)?
2. Who musters the army for battle (13:4)?
3. Who had fallen from heaven (14:12)?
4. What will Moab wail over (15:2)?
5. Who will be stirred up against them (13:17)?
6. What had YAHWEH founded for the poor of His people to take refuge in (14:3)?
7. When they rest from sorrow, fear and bondage, what will they take up against the king of Babylon (14:4)?
8. Who is the burden against which Isaiah saw (13:1)?
9. What will come upon him who escapes from Moab (15:9)?
10. When the day of YAHWEH comes, what or who will be destroyed (13:9)?
How many legs on a typical dog? (e.g: 5)