1. How many men of Dan went to search out the land (18:2)?
2. What did Samson pull up and carry on his shoulders (16:3)?
3. How many years did Samson judge Israel (16:31)?
4. Where did the tribe of Dan settle and rename to "Dan" (18:29)?
5. How did Samson gain his strength (16:17)?
6. What did Micah want the traveling Levite to do (17:10)?
7. Who did Samson find in Gaza (16:1)?
8. What was taken from Micah's house (18:18)?
9. What did Delilah want Samson to tell her (16:5)?
10. What did Micah take, and then return, to his mother (17:2)?
How many legs on a typical dog? (e.g: 5)