1. What was one of Esau's wives' name (16:35)?

2. Abraham was very blessed by Yahweh because (26:5):

3. What was Abraham's wife name (after Sarah died)(25:1)?

4. What did the servant give to Rebekah, her brother and her mother (24:53)?

5. Abimelech wanted to make an agreement (or "covenant") with Isaac for what purpose (26:29)?

6. How did Yahweh refer to the twins in Rebekah's belly (25:23)?

7. What did Rebekah do when she saw Isaac comiong to meet them (24:65)?

8. When Abimelech asked Isaac to leave, where did Isaac pitch his tent (26:17)?

9. Why did Abraham send his eldest/oldest servant to the city of Nahor (24:4)?

10. What did Yahweh do to Isaac after Abraham died (25:11)?

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