Introduction to
The Hard Sayings of Paul
According to the apostle Peter some of the things Paul said were hard to understand, and because of that misunderstanding people untaught and unstable "will be destroyed" (2 Peter 3:16). What is it that Paul could have said that was of such importance that it would cause many to be destroyed for their misunderstood of it? The answer to that question is found in this four part series on the "Hard Sayings of Paul."
Part 1 - Explaining 2 Peter 3:14-17 and "Why the Savior had to die?"
We will take a look at the things Paul said that thousands in his day were misunderstanding (how much more so in our day?). It will also be explained why it was necessary for the Messiah Yahoshua to die. Doesn’t the Almighty say that if we repent He will forgive us? Of course He does. Then why did someone have to die for our sins?
Part 2 - Objections People have to obeying the heavenly Father’s Law
If the Savior came to save us from “sin” (1 John 3:5) and sin is a violation of Yahuweh’s Law (1 John 3:4) then why does Paul say:
- By the deeds of the Law there shall no flesh be Justified... - Romans 3:20;
- Not Under the Law - Romans 6:14-15;
- The Law is our Tutor.." - Galatians 3:24;
- Let no man judge you... - Colossians 2:16-17;
- Wasn't the Law nailed to the Tree?- Colossians 2:14;
- Aren't we're under a "different" Law, i.e., the "law of the Messiah [Christ]"? Didn't the Messiah put an end to the Law? - Romans 10:4; and more.
Part 3 - The New Covenant and the Law
We will take an indepth look at the role that Yahuweh’s Law has in the New Testament. The vast majority of Christians today believe that although the Heavenly Father required His Law to be obeyed in the Old Testament, it no longer has to be obeyed in the New. This misunderstanding is based in part on the misconception that most Christians, including their "ministers," have today as to what the “New Testament” actually is:
Hebrews 8:8: Behold, the days are coming says Yahuweh, when I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
Hebrews 8:10: this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahuweh; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts….(see also Jeremiah 31:31-34)
The New Covenant, or Testament, is the Heavenly Father’s Law written on the hearts and minds of His People.
Isaiah 51:7: Hearken unto me, you that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is my law;….
Part 4 - Did Yahuweh, who does not change (Malachi 3:6) change his mind concerning His Law?
How many times have you heard ministers give an arousing sermon on Malachi 3:6 and telling how Yahuweh said, I do not change and then turn right around and explain how Yahuweh changed his mind concerning His Law? In the Old Testament, our Heavenly Father sent ALL His prophets to tell Israel to turn back to the Law and stop sinning. But, according to the same ministers, they say that in the New Testament Yahuweh supposedly did away with His Law, a Law we‘re told is “perfect” (Psalm 19:7), a law that Paul tells us is “righteous, holy and good” (Romans 7:12), and that "only those who obey it will be saved" (Romans 2:13).
Read the entire article, it could change your life. Have your Bible handy to verify what you will read and note down any questions or comments you may have. Pray that our Father will open your heart and mind to His truths and His truths only! Click here to start with Part One.